

Sinchi Collective, love for music

In Music, Slow Movement, Interviews Wednesday, 10 de July de 2019

Alejandro Serrano

Alejandro Serrano


The Sinchi Collective project is the result of a friendship between Tom Wheeler and Christopher Fitzmaurice, whose taste for art, music and social conscience led them to create a platform with the sound that conquered their attention and took their creative curiosity. Since then, they have not stopped, being recognised internationally, without losing fidelity to music and its message: up the rhythm, down the differences.

Artwork by Andrés Navarro

Artwork by Andrés Navarro

How and why did you become involved in your line of work? What would you even call what you do?

Sinchi was born out of a friendship and love for music. Chris, one of the founders, had been producing for many years across many genres, even on a now defunct drum’n’bass label of Andrew Weatherall’s and just starting making music again after many years. I kind of just ran with it and led to what we are doing today.

Which includes producing our own music, running the blog with daily premieres, the mix series, host events around Europe, two labels , one of which launched this year which donates all procedes to our foundation working with indigenous communities (www.sinchi-foundation.com) which has featured amazing artists such as Sascha Funke, Khidja and Curses on to name a few.

Sinchi Collective

Who or what influenced you to get into the music industry? What have been the most influential factors on your career so far?

We treat this as a passion project rather than a commercial venture. I think this has kept it really pure as it truly is all about the music. As we continue to grow, we do start to feel some pressures but ultimately we continue to be inspired by the amazing artists we connect with, the love from the community we have built… so the only hope and aspiration is to keep it this way.

We’re big admirers of the name Sinchi Collective, where does it come from?

I first heard Sinchi in an Amazonian ceremony many years ago. It never really left my consciousness, but 4 years ago I was back in the jungle working with various medicines and I found out it meant courage/strength to stand up for what you believe. Shortly after both the music collective and foundation were born.

How does such a magazine/label/project manage to exist? What keeps it alive?

I would say…

Consistency in musical content, focusing on the music and not the name behind it. Respecting all music as someones elses art, even if its not your own taste.

Then on a more practical level, simply dedication and love for what we do. After a crazy festival, writing and posting isn’t top of the list ha however, its a responsibility to the labels and artists we work with.

What can you both tell us about the clubs, labels, releases that inspired your interests in dance music?

There has been many clubs but focusing on music & community wise it would be Trouw in Amsterdam. I still have a random youtube album of tracks I heard there which I dig into regularly and it will always bring back great memories.

Personally, labels that are not afraid to be original. I think Cómeme is a great example.

However, if we’re talking solely about musical taste today… a few that rarely disappoint include Offen, Riotvan, Multi Culti, Ombra, Correspondant, Hard Fist, XXX, Playground, Karakter (Run by Pedro Martins who is a member of our dj collective) to name just a few…

What is the process when it comes to identifying artists and the labels output? What are you mainly looking for and hoping to achieve with each release?

Originality. I believe sometimes tracks can be over thought over produced. Much prefer something original but a little raw with than something safe.

What do you find most fulfilling about your work?

The most rewarding part is working with lesser known artists who are making their first steps in to the scene. Its a great feeling to share this journey with them , invite their favorute artists to remix and share amazing feedback from artists who have inspired them over the years.

What is your proudest achievement with this work and what is your greatest challenge?

I think having artists/labels who have inspired you say they love the curation is perhaps the proudest. Great challenge is certainly events, as it seems we live in a world where the majority chase headline names rather than digging deeper and identifying super talented artists beneath the surface.

Can you shed some light on some of the artists you’re listening to at the moment? Any artist(s) you feel are more worthy of recognition?

If we’re talking about lesser known artists, Production side I would definately give a shout out to a few artists we have or are working with including; BarumBarum from Macedonia, Leonor from Mexico now in France, Tagliabue from Milan and Dannie Fade from Lithuania who we have a killer track coming up on the Sinchi label in a couple of months.

Other than that a few to mention would be…

Cornelius Doctor & Tushen Rai (Hard Fist label crew), Kamma & Masalo are blowing up in Amsterdam and will be massive elsewhere soon Kiaro Scuro, Jennifer Touch, Pletnev, Pedro Martins, 22Rockets and Hary Shanthi (who are all part of our dj collective).

Oh and I love the SC channel of Angelo Cruzman with his Dr Peppers Lonely Soda Club Drinkers series for chill garden days.

What do you hope changes or improves (or continues!) in your field in the future?

Going back to my answer above, more people looking beneath the surface and going back to the underground. Following the music rather than the name.

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