
Fernando Ruiz Goseascoechea

Fernando Ruiz Goseascoechea

Fernando Ruiz-Goseascoechea. Barcelona/Madrid/Palma. Periodista y consultor. Mezcla política con cosas del comer y del beber, cultura con saber vivir y convivir, tradiciones con nuevas tendencias y sentido común con pasión.

Author's Articles

The Mother of All Kitchens

The Mother of All Kitchens

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the kitchen became the epicentre of the home.

Eroticism and fashion in the early days of cinema 

Eroticism and fashion in the early days of cinema 

From the very first minute of the existence of the moving images, underwear appears on the scene and, therefore, what we call in a very imprecise way, the erotic component.