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“Handling the Undead”: Interview with Thea Hvistendahl

“Handling the Undead”: Interview with Thea Hvistendahl

"Hundling the Undead", by Thea Hvistendahl is an intimate and moving film in which zombies help the living with their mourning.

“Ex-Husbands”: Interview with Griffin Dunne and Noah Pritzker

“Ex-Husbands”: Interview with Griffin Dunne and Noah Pritzker

"Ex-Husbands", starring Griffin Dunne, deals with attachment, new beginnings, and learning, with a subtle sense of humor.

‘I Hate Eroticism’: Interview With Catherine Breillat on ‘Last Summer’

‘I Hate Eroticism’: Interview With Catherine Breillat on ‘Last Summer’

Interview with Catherine Breillat, on ‘The Last Summer’, a love story from the particular point of view of a director who is always
particular point of view of a director who is always controversial.