
UVNT Art Fair seen through the streets of Madrid

In Culture Tuesday, 22 de February de 2022

Alejandro Serrano

Alejandro Serrano


As we have already advanced, in Madrid, from 24 to 27 February, UVNT Art Fair brings together from New Contemporary Art (post-graffiti, surrealist pop or new pop art) to NFT or the proposals of emerging or mid-career artists. Some thirty national and international galleries will participate, as well as numerous institutions that will offer their venues and facilities to exhibit works. But, as a prelude to the UVNT Art Fair, the city will become an open museum with digital art, interventions and installations, open to all citizens.

Below we will review the places where some of the most unique and relevant proposals of the moment will be located, both in the streets and squares of the capital, as well as inside some of its most emblematic buildings.

The courtyard of the headquarters of the Reale Foundation (Paseo de la Castellana, 9-11).
Here we will find the exhibition hall open to the public, hosting the kinetic sculptures of the Korean Shinuk Suh. This artist is represented by Cerquone Gallery.

The Metrópolis building (junction of Gran Vía and Alcalá Street).
There we will be able to contemplate the giant heads of Samuel Salcedo (Villazán Gallery, Madrid), questioning the spectator with their subtle irony and vulnerability, emphasising the masked nature of human beings.


Callao Square
On the screens of Callao City Lights, a digital art piece by Solimán López will be on display, demonstrating the meaning and nature of digital files and the connection between virtual and analogue worlds through photogrammetry. López will be represented by the DMG gallery (Madrid).

COAM (Hortaleza, 63)
The Romanian artist Lea Rasovszky will show her metaphysical work, characterised by a fresh harshness and rawness. The artist will be represented by Mobius Gallery (Bucharest).

We will also find the latest sculpture created by Mario Mankey on the occasion of the Nadine Foundation Residency Award, which he received in the 2021 edition.

In addition to these key locations in the city, there will be more than 110 digital marquees spread throughout Madrid, presenting 3D animation, motiongraphics, video clips and mixed-media works by leading contemporary artists. Pieces that have been selected by Montxo Algora, director and founder of the festival of culture and digital creativity ArtFutura, as well as works by artists such as Platige Image, Nikita Diakur, Cool 3D World, Maxim Zhestkov, teamLab, Oliver Latta, Moebius, Karl Sims, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Sadamune Takanaka, Yugi Kyoshitsu, Hikaru Yamakawa, Florian Wittmann, Sam Chen, Dvein or Tomer Eshed, among others.

Later, at the UVNT Art Fair, will join 350 artists from five continents, including Banksy, JerkFace, D*Face, Ana Barriga, Marria Pratts, Javi Calleja, Edgar Plans, Robi Dwi Antono, Albert Pinya, Cesc Abad, Filip Custic, Imon Boy, Nuria Mora, James Rielly, Rafa Macarrón, Julio Anaya Cabanding, Wasted Rita, Paco Pomet, Grip Face and Flavia Junqueira.

The UVNT Art Fair Public Art Programme is carried out in collaboration with: Madrid Capital de Moda, JCDecaux, Fundación Reale.

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Albert PinyaAna BarrigaBanksyCesc AbadCool 3D WorldD*FaceDveinEdgar PlansFilip CusticFlavia JunqueiraFlorian WittmannGrip FaceHikaru YamakawaImon BoyJames RiellyJavi CallejaJerkFaceJulio Anaya CabandingKarl SimsMario MankeyMarria PrattsMaxim ZhestkovMoebiusNikita DiakurNuria MoraOliver LattaPaco PometPlatige ImageRafa MacarrónRobi Dwi AntonoSadamune TakanakaSam ChenSolimán LópezteamLabTomer EshedUVNTWasted RitaYoichiro KawaguchiYugi Kyoshitsu

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