
Eva Peydró

Eva Peydró

Filóloga, traductora, crítica de cine, periodista cultural y escritora. Miembro de FIPRESCI (Federación Internacional de Prensa Cinematográfica) y de FEDEORA (Asociación de críticos de cine de Europa y Mediterráneo) y en representación de ambas organizaciones ha participado como jurado en festivales internacionales de cine, como Cannes, Venecia, Karlovy Vary o San Sebastián. En 2014 fundó la revista cultural online El Hype, de la que es directora, y a la que contribuye con artículos sobre cultura, críticas cinematográficas y crónicas de festivales de cine. Programadora del Festival Cinema Heritage. Co-autora de "Ficciones, las justas. La nueva moral en el cine, la música y la pornografía" y "El universo de Marlon Brando".

Author's Articles

25th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival: Greek Films

25th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival: Greek Films

From 2 to 12 March 2023, the Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival is offering its 25th edition.

“20,000 Species of Bees”, Gender and Generations

“20,000 Species of Bees”, Gender and Generations

“20,000 Species of Bees” describes the crisis of a child who does not identify with who he is and the need to fit into a world that has not foreseen rebellion against the predetermined.

“Inside”, No Creation Without Destruction

“Inside”, No Creation Without Destruction

“Inside” is a story of survival, reflecting on the role of art in the individual and society, elevated by the talent of Willem Dafoe.

73ª Berlinale, Screening The Cutting Edge

73ª Berlinale, Screening The Cutting Edge

From February 16 to 26, the 73rd Berlinale will feature a program as characteristic as the city that hosts it.

“Bootlegger”, smuggling identity

“Bootlegger”, smuggling identity

“Bootlegger” deals with the conflict of liquor smuggling on an Algonquin reserve in Quebec, when the identity of a community is at stake.

My French Film Festival: French cinema online for all

My French Film Festival: French cinema online for all

The programme of the My French Film Festival, from 13 January to 13 February, covers genres and geographies, different films and origins, to offer an overview of French-language filmmaking in 29 chapters.

The Best We Have Watched in 2022

The Best We Have Watched in 2022

The year 2022 has been full of audiovisual proposals that have made us enjoy and reflect, that have reinforced our love for moving images, whose quality transcends formats and media. Thus, we include in our list two extraordinary series and an immersive film to which we wish a deserved distribution, making as many viewers as possible happy.

My French Film Festival 13th edition

My French Film Festival 13th edition

My French Film Festival is the first online French film festival, which this year comes to us triple framed by the lucky number, it will be the 13th edition and will take place between January the 13th and February the 13th.

“The Last Movie Stars”, Fandom and Private Life

“The Last Movie Stars”, Fandom and Private Life

“The Last Hollywood Stars” introduces us to the careers and family intimacy of the Hollywood couple most often asked about their secret to eternal romance.

“The Wonder”, The Hidden Power of Stories

“The Wonder”, The Hidden Power of Stories

“The Wonder” shows that the real enigma is that of the acquired conscience, the awakening and the understanding of the mechanisms by which manipulation operates to turn victims into martyrs, to exculpate and try to save the executioners.