
Eva Peydró

Eva Peydró

Filóloga, traductora, crítica de cine, periodista cultural y escritora. Miembro de FIPRESCI (Federación Internacional de Prensa Cinematográfica) y de FEDEORA (Asociación de críticos de cine de Europa y Mediterráneo) y en representación de ambas organizaciones ha participado como jurado en festivales internacionales de cine, como Cannes, Venecia, Karlovy Vary o San Sebastián. En 2014 fundó la revista cultural online El Hype, de la que es directora, y a la que contribuye con artículos sobre cultura, críticas cinematográficas y crónicas de festivales de cine. Programadora del Festival Cinema Heritage. Co-autora de "Ficciones, las justas. La nueva moral en el cine, la música y la pornografía" y "El universo de Marlon Brando".

Author's Articles

27º TiDF: Papaioannou, Immigration and Dictatorship

27º TiDF: Papaioannou, Immigration and Dictatorship

The 27th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival premiered various Greek productions, highlighting the one dedicated to Dimitris Papaioannou.

“Improvise, an Ethical Necessity”, Masterclass by Nicolas Philibert at 27th TiDF

“Improvise, an Ethical Necessity”, Masterclass by Nicolas Philibert at 27th TiDF

Nicolas Philibert’s materclass at the 27th TiDF shed light on his creative process, emphasizing the importance of the observational nature of documentaries.

27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival: Competition

27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival: Competition

The 27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival has announced the selection in its three sections: International, Newcomers and >>Film Forward.

‘The Best Mother in the World’, Interview With Anna Muylaert and Shirley Cruz

‘The Best Mother in the World’, Interview With Anna Muylaert and Shirley Cruz

Interview with Anna Muylaert and Shirley Cruz, on “The Best Mother in the World”, premiered in 75th Berlinale.

“The Devil Smokes (and Saves the Burnt Matches in the Same Box)”, Innocence and Survival

“The Devil Smokes (and Saves the Burnt Matches in the Same Box)”, Innocence and Survival

‘El diablo fuma’ is set in Mexico City in the mid-1990s, where five young siblings are left alone in the care of their grandmother.

“Mickey 17”, Die to Live

“Mickey 17”, Die to Live

Bong Joon Ho vuelve al reino de la fantasía tras la hiperrealista Parásitos (2019), adaptando la novela de Edward Ashton, Mickey 7.

“Dreams”, Law of the Strongest

“Dreams”, Law of the Strongest

Mexican director Michel Franco tackles immigration in “Dreams”, through a passionate story starring Jessica Chastain and Isaac Hernández.

27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival: Tribute to IA

27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival: Tribute to IA

The 27th International Festival of Documentaries of Thessaloniki pays a great tribute to artificial intelligence with films, art and special edition.

“The Light”, Generational Therapy

“The Light”, Generational Therapy

Tom Tykwer’s The Light opened the Berlinale with a generational therapy film, with excessive ambition and a frustrating result, despite its cast.

27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival: The Truth Behind the Headlines

27th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival: The Truth Behind the Headlines

The 27th Thessalonic documentary festival has already begun to reveal its graphic image and a small advance of its program.