
Alejandro Serrano

Alejandro Serrano

Nací en 1988. Pero de un tiempo a esta parte no he parado de moverme entre el arte, el diseño, la literatura, Internet y los clubs de música electrónica, para contarlo. También dirijo la página Psychonauts.es, donde entrevisto a gente que admiro.

Author's Articles

Curses: It’s about sharing exciting music

Curses: It’s about sharing exciting music

Curses is a genius. The dj and producer of New York origin, whose nickname darky and romantic forwards Luca Venezia, has managed, in a stale moment musical, to find sufficient space, music and people to change their city -Berlin- clubbing scene of air and, incidentally, find the music, and the particular message Iwanted to convey. So attractive projects like the Ombra International label, where it participates with other members distributed across the globe. Is a clear testimony to this. Everything else has been matter of time, affinities, hits, ideas, work, and an honesty to his own music, that predicts you a good future.  How did this fantastic adventure start for you? I was a 15 year old punk rock kid that went to a rave in Brooklyn, and everything changed. How have things developed since […]

La Dame Noir: We publish the music of people we love

La Dame Noir: We publish the music of people we love

The french producer Phred and electronic music seem to have grown up almost at the same time in the 90s in Marseille. At the time, the radio was the best way to follow the electronic advances, but for Phred playing music from home was not enough. Then, with his partner Relatif Yann, they decided to […]