
Marc Muñoz

Marc Muñoz

Dedica buena parte de sus jornadas laborales a destilar contenido para su propio proyecto online (El Destilador Cultural). Compagina su faceta como "Destilador Jefe" escribiendo sobre cine, series y música en Esquire, El Salto, Qualsevol nit y, hasta mayo de 2020, en Rockdelux (RIP). También ha colaborado en Rolling Stone, El País, eldiario.es, I-d, Neo 2, Teen mag y El Mensual de 20 minutos, entre otras. Antes de la pandemia del Covid-19 se le podía ver en las salas de cine, en las últimas filas de un concierto o apegado a una barra. Vive en Barcelona aunque su mente le transporta regularmente a Nueva York, donde vivió, probablemente, los dos años más dulces de su existencia.

Author's Articles

The Strokes, “Is This It”: 20 years of the album that triggered the last rock scene

The Strokes, “Is This It”: 20 years of the album that triggered the last rock scene

The Strokes phenomenon was consolidating in all hemispheres of the globe. A wave of rock of the new millennium that went beyond the purely musical to weave complicities with the world of fashion.

Barry Jenkins’ racial locomotive “The Underground Railroad”

Barry Jenkins’ racial locomotive “The Underground Railroad”

In 2017 Colson Whitehead entered the sphere of American literary luminaries when he was awarded both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for the same novel. He joined a select group of writers that includes such names as William Faulkner, John Updike and A. Walker. The hype, converted and packaged as the literary […]