

Curses: It’s about sharing exciting music

En Música, Slow Movement, Entrevistas lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

Alejandro Serrano

Alejandro Serrano


Curses is a genius. The dj and producer of New York origin, whose nickname darky and romantic forwards Luca Venezia, has managed, in a stale moment musical, to find sufficient space, music and people to change their city -Berlin- clubbing scene of air and, incidentally, find the music, and the particular message Iwanted to convey. So attractive projects like the Ombra International label, where it participates with other members distributed across the globe. Is a clear testimony to this. Everything else has been matter of time, affinities, hits, ideas, work, and an honesty to his own music, that predicts you a good future.

 How did this fantastic adventure start for you?

I was a 15 year old punk rock kid that went to a rave in Brooklyn, and everything changed.

How have things developed since you started?

I have a long way to go, so much more ahead to learn and make.

How did you discover electronic music?

When I was 12 or 13 years old, a friend from London would record cassette tapes of Pirate radio stations and give me them to me each summer, mostly Jungle and techno. The punk attitude in sampling resonated with my punk-rock and roll mindset at the time.

What is your music criterion?

Stick to your guns, but never be comfortable, always evolve and respect the ones who came before you and listen and learn from the younger generations ahead.

 We’re big admirers of the name OMBRA INTL where does it come from?

Ombra is shadow in Italian, and we are a global collective, hence the International.

How did you go about choosing the logo and artwork for the label?

All of us in the collective like to take inspiration from our creative innocence in adolescence and incorporate it with the present. The logo is inspired by drawing on your school desk, or doodling in your notebook instead of solving math equations. the uncomfortable familiar feeling trigged by public access television stills from the 80’s and 90’s are also important to our political and emotional message in the artwork.

"Ombra Intl". Curses

What do you look for when signing a record for Ombra?

If we all decide that we are furious at how beautiful the demo is, then we sign it. We all must be jealous that we didn’t make the song.

Who or what influenced you to get into the music industry? What have been the most influential factors on your career so far?

Personally, I blame The Cramps, Aphex Twin, Front 242, and Suicide for getting me into music.

What is the process when it comes to identifying artists and the labels output? What are you mainly looking for and hoping to achieve with each release?

Nobody would sign any of the music a lot of us were making . The presence of guitars confused a lot of people, it was either not dance floor enough or too dance floor, and it made us feel like we were living in the shadows. We embraced the outcast mentality cast upon us, and this invited more and more artists to contact us with similar sounds.

We just want to put out music that excites us, if it does well, or if it charts.. cool! but in the end, the goal of Ombra INTL goal is not to be winning the competition of being popular, but to put out exciting, honest, and weird music.

Curses. Foto: Stefan Dotter.

Foto: Stefan Dotter.

What can you tell us about the 005 reference? And about Theus Mago?

Theus Mago is Mexico City’s invincible arpeggio beacon of peace at a time of frustration and dissolve.

Is the gun being handed over, or taken away from peace or evil. The choice is up to us.

What can you shed some light on some of the artists you’re listening to at the moment? Any artist(s) you feel are more worthy of recognition?

The new Blind Delon on Bordello A Parigi is killer, The new Guero on Hippie Dance is super vibey, Second Still, Forever Grey, Motel77, and Perel are all also making some great music right now.

If you weren’t both involved in music what would you like to think you would be doing?

I would be following my parent’s footsteps in visual art and return my creative focus to video installation.

What can we expect to hear from you in 2018?

I just dropped my Pedal To The Metal EP on Bordello A Parigi, and finally, the Curses debut album will be dropping in the autumn, and I will be touring the live show!

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Bordello A ParigiCHuggCurseselectrónicamúsicaOmbra InternationalPerelTechno

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