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“Ryūichi Sakamoto: Opus”, Legacy and Elegy

“Ryūichi Sakamoto: Opus”, Legacy and Elegy

En "Ryuichi Sakamoto: Opus", Sora prescinde de insertos, de voz en off y de cualquier otro recurso narrativo al uso, para confiar todo a la música.

Eleanor Coppola, The Heart That Filmed in the Darkness

Eleanor Coppola, The Heart That Filmed in the Darkness

Eleanor Coppola would be like that "komorebi" that Wim Wenders discovered for us, that flash of sunlight through the trees.

“La Chimera”, Between the Living and the Dead

“La Chimera”, Between the Living and the Dead

Alice Rohrwacher's "La Chimera" is an enigmatic ode to the past and its connection to the present, in which Josh O'Connor gives a masterful performance.